Saturday, January 1, 2011

Making Up crap

I do believe everything does happen for a reason and people do end up where they belong. Teachers and parents often question the future success of a child. They wonder, sometimes out loud, what could this unmotivated kid end up doing with their lives. My long years of having taught high school proved to me that everyone does find their niche in life. They do get motivated and have great, productive lives. Me, I always seem to find jobs that do fit me well. You see I have that God given gift of making up crap. It has taken many long, hard years to hone this talent. Now it is almost perfected. I have recently started volunteering at the Loggerhead Marine Life Center. We rehab injured sea turtles and then release them back to the ocean. What do I know about turtles? Turtle soup, tortoise and the hare, cool sunglasses. Yeah, not much. So this is perfect. When the guests come in to see the turtles I sometimes act as a docent. Hallelujah! I get to make up crap about the turtles. You can say anything to anyone as long as you make it sound authentic and real. Here I try to stay close to the facts, the few I do know. My wife does have me pegged though. She knows I make up crap all the time. She even sent me a card about it. Pretty funny! I would like to think this is just a sign of getting old like the movie "Big Fish". But no. It's me. I am a crap maker upper and I don't see me stopping.

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