Friday, May 12, 2017

Things I Miss and eDon`t Miss

Let me start by saying what I am missing is the right of everyone to have an opinion. Everyone has a right to speak and be heard. The protests these days that are are not permitting people to make public speeches is appalling. The fact that they are allowed to block speakers is more appalling.

I miss people with inner fortitude(commonly know as Balls) to express their views and actually maker a difference in everyday life.

I miss Green Stamps and waiting for the new Encyclopedia book to become available at the grocery store.

I miss the innocence of young children. As hard as parents try to shield their kids from the outside world they go school and hear and see what they are being shielded from.

I miss the time when there was only two genders. People can make up any gender they want to but there's still only two and yes, it may be hard to choose one but choosing none is an easy way out.

I miss Politicians with cajones. Now their only goal is to get reelected so they're eligible for the pension.

I miss having hope that people will actually change as they grow older. It seems that some will never change. These are the people who never reflect on their lives and are honest with themselves. I have become jaded as I've grown older.

I miss individualism. Every kid looks the same. Every guy has a beard and shaved hair. Tattoos are everywhere. I like being plain but plain these days is actually an individualistic behavior.

I don't miss Rhode Island.

I don't miss remembering my past.

I don't miss teaching High School.

I don't miss some members of my family.

I don't miss having neighbors ten feet from my house.

I don't miss working at a Tennis club.

I don't miss being able to afford only cheap seats at an event.

I do miss my friends who have died and my pets I've had to put down.

When I die.  I don't want to pass. Please no candle light vigil. Have the people use their time more wisely by volunteering at an animal shelter.

Friday, May 5, 2017

New Likes and Loathes

Hi! I'm back. I have been gone for a while. It has given me time to ruminate and have something to talk about.

Let's begin with medications. We are inundated with new medications with clever commercials and catchy names that have nothing to do with the real drugs involved. Let me give some of my own.

Justaskme,  a drug that if you'd ask me I'd tell you to run as far away from the prescription as possible.

Youbestupid, you would if you wanted any of the side effects associated with this drug.

Worseoff, yes, you can't improve with this prescription.

None of these would ever be sold over the counter because then the drug companies couldn't charge outrageous prices.

I want to develop an app for people's phones so they can see how many lights don't work on their cars. It would take a picture of the non functioning light and post it on Facebook so everyone could see the  car whose owner doesn't occasionally inspect their vehicles.

Some final thoughts.
Live PD is a very good show.
Nothing like eggs from our chickens
I can actually say that since we got chickens I am really hen pecked
Hens make great pets
Life has been good
I still love Florida
I miss typing on a typewriter
I miss changing my own car's oil
I don't miss cutting my lawn
Social media is good for one thing  finding something you lost
Having a wife is good but having a wife who is also your partner is great