Thursday, October 7, 2010


Patterns occur in many places. They are in art, fabrics, architecture, and nature. The patterns we fail to see the most are the patterns in our life. We seem to ignore them. Oh, they are there. Some are glaring, others subtle. Everyone needs at some time to examine the patterns in their life. I have done this. I had a pattern of being short tempered. I used to worry too much about the small, insignificant things that really weren't that important at all. I'm sure I've missed some of my patterns but a start is progress. I have learned that what we think are random occurrences are really caused by our patterns. Denial is a powerful drug ingested by many. We fall into the same patterns, relationship after relationship, job after job, friendship after friendship. Take the time to really look at things as they are and break the bad patterns but keep the good ones. If you can't be honest with yourself with whom can you be?

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