Saturday, May 28, 2016

What I've learned from Game of Thrones

Hi! Been away awhile. I watched the first episode of season six of Game of Thrones, got hooked, and watched the first five seasons on Demand. Now I've caught up and I have to wait like everyone else for the next episode. My wife likes it too but finds it too bloody. I guess I am like most people when you see a lot  of something you become numb to it. So it is with the violence and nudity in the show. Oh yeah look another head rolls, another boob, what a surprise he killed his parent. What I have learned is that honor is one of the most important things. Kings, Queens, Lords and Ladies never had to prove they deserved the title, just coming of a womb was enough. Political correctness thankfully didn't exist. People called a bastard a bastard with no ramifications. The word was not mightier than the sword People did read and write and even knew how to read cursive writing. Those who couldn't showed a real eagerness to learn. All this without core testing in the schools. Finally, what everyone has learned from Game of Thrones is that Women still rule with intellignece and guile. See not much has changed. Thank you for educating and entertaining me so much!

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