Saturday, May 28, 2016

May observations !

May flowers have bloomed, summer is around the corner and it's time again to get things off my chest. Let me start by saying that I am doing this cold turkey. I do not have a bottle of water or a cup of coffee on my desk. It seems if people do not hydrate every five minutes they'll dehydrate and implode. I don't know how I ever played outside as kid without something to put in my mouth. My park was at least 20 minutes from my house without any water.  Maybe I didn't survive and this is  just a dream. I never thought I would have more than a dozen of anything but now I have fourteen hens. Truly one of nature's wonders. An incredible, edible egg from a hen. Little things mean a lot to some people like Harold cathing a ball in all four outfields.  I love change. I love challenges. Each change means leaving something behind. I know and have my rule that you can never go back and that what has been left behind will see you in a different light. Some will understand what you have done, others will resent you, and others will eventually maybe do the same thing. Status quo is bliss.
It is interesting how many of my friends find me living in the country a good topic of conversation now. I guess we get tired of talking about prostates, chemo, and who made up these uneven teams. I hope everyone has a good summer. Keep that bottle of water close by and I'll talk to you soon!

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