Thursday, December 27, 2012

Giving up a Gift

Chanukah and Christmas have just passed and many gifts have been exchanged between friends, family and loved ones. Some gifts even may have been given to strangers. Gifts don't have to be given for any particular reason or occasion. One gives a gift because they are generous and considerate. The problem with giving a gift is that some people can't let go of the gift. They think that they still possess the gift after it has been given  away to someone. They pine over what the person will do or has done with the gift. The idea that the receiver of the gift can do whatever he would like to do with the gift is oblivious to them. They keep tabs on the gift. They ask about it. They can't let go. The solution. Don't give gifts to people that you think will misuse or abuse your gift. Use common sense in the choice of your gift. Usually the past history of a person is a good indicator of what will become of that gift.  Give and forget about it. If you do see the gift again and it has been misused or abused remember It's not yours anymore. Move on. Learn. Don't make the same mistake twice!

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