Friday, August 31, 2012

A Person's Best Quality

I observe people everyday and see all the qualities that an individual has. I know the popular ones, compassion, honesty, generosity, trustworthy, witty, playful,and considerate. I think the quality that I think everyone has and  is the most special is Dignity. Dignity has many meanings and can mean different things to  various people. Dignity, to me, is the self respect people have. No matter how old and sick a person gets that dignity to try to look their best always shines through. I remember my three aunts would even on the way to the hospital make sure that their hair appointments were set. I see older men and women, here in Florida always dressed in style. The homeless too have dignity. Their carts or bicycles are neatly packed and ready to travel. You see Dignity is deeply inside all of us and should never be overlooked  when interacting with anyone. I know that losing one's dignity is probably one of the most mortal wounds that can befall a person. I have on occasion lost some Dignity and nothing hurts more.  It makes you question your value and how you are perceived. It does however make you stronger with more resolve to never have any of it lost again. No one deserves that and should never be subjected to that behavior.

My love affair with Jobs.

My wife and I have had our share of jobs in our lifetimes. We have spoken with many of our friends and it seems we all have similar experiences with employment. My relationship with a job has changed as I grew older. When I was young I was glad to have a job, any job. It was fun to meet new people. It was educational to see what other people did for a living. Then I went to college and was lucky to get a teaching job. Nirvana! Love at first paycheck. That lasted for thirty years. One of my longest relationships. Unfortunately, like all love affairs it ended in divorce. You see, I had aged  and became much wiser. A job is like a pair of shoes both are meant to wear out. Then you get a new one. All jobs, regardless of what type they are all are the same. Same people, same Peter Principle executives and managers running  the show. We see the paychecks and the security of the relationship and miss all those red flags our mothers told us about. You know the ones, lack of respect, bad communication, playing one against the other, seeing how much the other person can get from you, taking all the credit  for your ideas. Well that's where being around the block a few times is important. I never knew what right to work meant until I moved to Florida. It means that an employer can terminate your wonderful relationship at a moment's notice with no prior warning like you were today's trash. I guess we owe that partner the same regard. I like to think that now when I take a job I go into the affair with eyes wide open and I control how I'm treated.  Breaking up isn't hard to do, it's just a reality of life.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

There is Karma!

Karma is alive and well in the world today! Recent headlines have confirmed that sooner or later Karma catches up with up you. Quite a few individuals at Penn State have anted up with severe punishments. Financial and emotional losses have been dealt to them.  Payback for the losses to all those Innocent boys. Michael Vick has had multiple injuries the past few years in the NFL. Announcers attribute it to his never stop trying attitude. I attribute it to retribution for all the pain he inflicted on his maltreated dogs. Politicians and political pundants say and do ridiculous things leaving themselves open to more scrutiny and eventually karma catches up with scandals and physical maladies. Serena Williams is such a gifted athlete. Under that calm veneer lurks a loose canon. Her tirades at officials portrays her real demeanor. The result is an injured foot and other complications that keep her out of competition for many months. Sort of a real foot in mouth disease. The last group that needs to be wary of Karma are all those athletes who live, train, earn a living and love America but represent other countries in International competition. Selling out and being ungrateful to the nth degree. Word to the wise, keep an eye behind you because Karma is going to bite you in the tuches.

My History

My wife and I watched the opening ceremony of the 2012 Olympics. It incorporated the history of England. It started with the farmers and progressed thought the industrial revolution and into the present. I wondered if many of the younger viewers had and knowledge of any of these events. I have had conversations with people younger than myself and when I make historical references they give me that blank "wtf" look. I have a friend who wants his kids to see the film "Super 8" so they see what toys he played and what life was like when he was growing up. It wasn't until I reached 50 that I could say My History. It takes a number of years to live through  historical events and have them mean something to you. Meaning enough to you that when you relate them to others you'd like to think that they've heard of them. This is why History studied in school means little to students because they have no History.  They have a few handfuls of years spent under their parents wings. I have learned that life can indeed span many years. I am fortunate to have lived more than half a decade. I am fortunate to now appreciate what History is because it lives in me.