Friday, December 17, 2010

How Come?

The end of the year has arrived. It is now time for me to ponder some of life's great mysteries, well, at least to me. How come I talk so loud enough though I am not in the classroom anymore? Why don't dog owners hear their dogs howling and crying at night when everyone else does? Why do people drive like it is their last trip? Why after one person reaches out to another the other person doesn't extend their hand too? Why can't we pick our own relatives? We weren't able to pick our parents. How come there some nurses who can't stand the sight of their own blood? How come kids are so lucky? They have the coolest toys out now that I could be intrigued by. Why do we still pick our noses? How come I can't stand to touch cat and dog food? How come grandchildren seldom live next door? Why have I finally found the right Vo? How come pets love us so much without asking anything in return? How come children never realize how thin skinned parents are when it comes to comments from them? Why are all these things the way they are? Because that's life and in spite of them I still wake up everyday looking forward to the surprises, twists and turns, waiting for me!

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