Thursday, November 24, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving!

Another Thanksgiving, another reason to give thanks. I give thanks everyday. I look around and see how fortunate I have been. I am especially thankful for my beautiful, loving wife who puts up with everyday and has kept me healthy. She also has taught me what an exceptionally talented, thoughtful and contemplative person she is. I'm thankful for my son and grandson, for all my loyal tennis clients, and my health. I'm thankful that in my later years I have made some wiser decisions. Nice to forget all the stupid, unreasonable ones in the past. I'm thankful I'm old. That I have the values that seem to be missing from today's younger society. I am fortunate to have several pets that have filled my life with joy. So enjoy the day and be happy you're not the person who is negative and does not see that even though not everything is good, there is a lot that is.

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