Monday, November 30, 2015

Decisions of an Aging Man

Now is the time in my life and my friends' lives that come the real tough decisions of aging men and women. Not which pair of skinny jeans to wear, beard or goatee, Vegan or Sushi but real decisions that have to be made and many take all of our life's experiences to make. One of the first to be made is do we really want to go through more medical tests. We have been probed, poked and tested to death. Sure a new discovery brings anxiety but also trepidation. So maybe I'll wait and see this time. I have been spared this dilemma but dread the day it comes. Some of us are finishing careers and wonder what to do next. My wife and I always know something will always come our way. You just have to be open and willing to try something new. I know change is really tough but easier than the alternative. Those of us who have kids worry about them but most are young enough to take care of themselves. It's our beloved pets that many look ahead to make sure they are well  cared for. My will, insurance, and any thing that has been coveted  by my heirs will not be forgotten when we're gone but our poochies will be. I'm lucky to have a loving wife and I know she has made these decisions much easier for me. Every one should be so lucky.

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