Sunday, November 9, 2014


Resolution is sought in all walks of life. The ability to see things clearly as they really are is of utmost  importance. We need to see without any fuzziness or haze. Cameras, binoculars, televisions, cell phones, satellites and especially our inner eye needs to focused to crystal clarity. When the Hubble telescope's lens was inaccurately ground it's pictures were out of focus. Scientists worked diligently to find a solution. Our inner eye is always looking for resolution. Our many unresolved personal issues scream inside for resolution so we can finally make some sort of peace and reason to the past. Resolution comes in many forms. It may be a chance encounter with a former friend or relative. An article in a newspaper or magazine may bring clarity. It may take years to find resolution but the search never ends. I have found resolution in my life. It wasn't always the view I wanted but it did make me understand things better. Accepting what is seen is essential because as we have all learned, the past is unchangeable.

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