Well, I haven't written for a while, lot going on. Now I have the time to get some rants off my chest.
First, the legal system in the United States isn't broken. It works fine. The appearance of malfunction comes from the incompetence of the lawyers using the system. The expectations of convictions on flimsy, circumstantial evidence is always a crapshoot. The practice of having only one or two possible choices to convict also backfires often. Be assured though, as I have written before, no one escapes Karma. Sooner or later everyone pays the price. It may take years and go unnoticed but it does strike justice.
I have experienced, first hand , in my life that when couples have relationship problems the same thing happens. One of the parties will buy new clothes, fix a great dinner, buy tickets for an event, lose weight or try to change something physical. Oblivious to what is really going on. The reason couples argue, disagree and eventually split up is because of the inner person. The person has to change from within. This of course takes an honest step back to examine what one is really like. Extremely difficult this can be. Unless is done and a change in one's inner self occurs no harmony will ever be acheived.
I wish I had the knowledge I have now forty years ago. I was like everyone else. I thought I knew a lot. When I taught, coached, was a parent, I thought I was pretty knowledgable. Turns out I knew practically nothing compared to today. Man what a difference it would have made in my life. I think that's why I still teach and coach so that all of this great stuff I've learned doesn't go to waste and maybe I can pass it on to someone else.
Regrets I have a few. I regret all the time lost having hard feeelings with friends and relatives. I regret not having moved to Florida sooner in my life. I regret no being able to see my kids and grandkids more. But the biggest regret is not having met my wife sooner. These five years have been great and you can't get enough of a good thing.
First, the legal system in the United States isn't broken. It works fine. The appearance of malfunction comes from the incompetence of the lawyers using the system. The expectations of convictions on flimsy, circumstantial evidence is always a crapshoot. The practice of having only one or two possible choices to convict also backfires often. Be assured though, as I have written before, no one escapes Karma. Sooner or later everyone pays the price. It may take years and go unnoticed but it does strike justice.
I have experienced, first hand , in my life that when couples have relationship problems the same thing happens. One of the parties will buy new clothes, fix a great dinner, buy tickets for an event, lose weight or try to change something physical. Oblivious to what is really going on. The reason couples argue, disagree and eventually split up is because of the inner person. The person has to change from within. This of course takes an honest step back to examine what one is really like. Extremely difficult this can be. Unless is done and a change in one's inner self occurs no harmony will ever be acheived.
I wish I had the knowledge I have now forty years ago. I was like everyone else. I thought I knew a lot. When I taught, coached, was a parent, I thought I was pretty knowledgable. Turns out I knew practically nothing compared to today. Man what a difference it would have made in my life. I think that's why I still teach and coach so that all of this great stuff I've learned doesn't go to waste and maybe I can pass it on to someone else.
Regrets I have a few. I regret all the time lost having hard feeelings with friends and relatives. I regret not having moved to Florida sooner in my life. I regret no being able to see my kids and grandkids more. But the biggest regret is not having met my wife sooner. These five years have been great and you can't get enough of a good thing.