Saturday, January 29, 2011


Sixty two is creeping up on me. Slowly another birthday is arriving. As much as I don't want to admit it, I am a senior citizen. The clincher is that I accept senior discounts here in Florida. I always viewed seniors as old, crabby people who complained about everything. I still think we are crabby complainers  but now I understand why. I grew up in a different era. People haven't changed, just their awareness of manners and respect. I have become even more polite and respectful because I observe such little of it in everyday encounters with people, friends and co workers. What ever happened to "please" and "thank you"? What happened to to saying "excuse me" when walking in front of someone? What happened to opening doors for someone? What happened to responding to phone calls in a timely manner? Some of us remember the way it should be and it makes today's re misses even more glaring. Sure, I know the response. We were never taught or required to do these things. I never blame kids just their parents. I do know people of my generation knew and taught their kids. Somehow along the way the teaching has become relaxed and left along the byway like trash people discard as useless. The old adage is still valid today. "Treat others as you would want to be treated". And that's my Senior Moment!

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