Monday, June 13, 2011


It always seems that just when you feel that you have the world by the gonads, an obstacle appears. Those dreaded obstcales. They come in a variety of sizes and shapes, races and genders, brunettes, blonds, redheads, and bald. Out of nowhere they rear their ugly heads. You work hard to obtain solace. You know what I mean. We want a nice place to work, a nice restaurant to dine in, a nice place to fish, a nice theater to watch a movie. But no! That damn obstcale sees that you're happier than them and then all hell brakes loose. They want your job, they're jealous, they want to make it difficult in the workplace, they're rude and noisy in a restaurant, sorry I fished in that spot yesterday so it's mine, excuse while I explain the whole movie to the person sitting next to me in a loud voice. Just a few of the numerous examples of the stuff we put up with from obstacles. Well obstacles are like the trash on the corner, the mountains that were in the way of the railroad, the annoying mosquito, they are meant to dealt with head on and confronted so they are obstacles to no one anymore.  Good luck with yours. Remember! They will always be around somewhere.

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