Sunday, November 9, 2014

A Good Day to Die

Seven days of the week, 30 days a month, 12 months a year, 365 days a year. Which day to die on? We all lead busy lives and have plans for the days ahead. We have families, friends, jobs and  things we like to do in our spare time. I like to make plans but I always have a plan B and even a plan C when things fall through. I like to try to make time for everyone. I often put my plans aside to make this time available. I have tried to adopt the philosophy of don't wait to do things, do them now. Opportunities come for a reason and are not to be avoided. Some people never find time for anyone or anything. They tend to confine their time and emotions for a few. Difficult to find a day to entertain someone not in the loop. I look at my calendar on the wall and find, even with a somewhat busy schedule time for everyone and  everything. How would you consult someone like this what day would be best for me to die? Drop plans, appointments, work, simply for a death. They couldn't find time in life why would it be so easy in death?  I will try to accommodate no one but myself when I die. I'll die when it's my time and on my own terms. Regretting nothing because I did make time in life for everyone and everything.

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