Friday, March 12, 2010

Luck Versus Karma

The term "you're lucky" is thrown out all the time when something out of the ordinary happens. When a person gets three aces, a net cord shot in tennis, catching a foul ball at a baseball game. Just to mention a few. I heard this often when I was planning to move to Florida. I would tell people that luck had nothing to do with it. People live where they want and do what they want. No luck involved.
Now Karma being involved is a whole new animal. Karma is the belief that any bad or good deed is repaid, no matter how insignificant the deed may have been. This crosses present and past lives. I do believe that Karma is the reason that people seem "lucky". Some people have led good lives and so repaid. Everyone has some transgressions and so not every day is perfect. It is the people who perpetuate their bad behaviors and decisions that incur the more wrath in life. Life is about learning from our mistakes. When people live a lie they cannot reveal the truth because everything will unravel.

Which brings us to the popular expression " that's not fair". Fair is an interesting concept. people assume that there is fairness in the world. I would say there is a balance. i believe that Life is about everything evening out. I, at this point in my life, do not sweat the small stuff. I pay an overdraft on a check and I get a two for one at the grocery store. I lose a tennis lesson and I get one from out of the blue. Despair leads to negativity. I have tried to put aside negativity in my life. OK, I do despair sometimes because of my Pisces sign. I have no tolerance for negative people. I avoid them like the plague. Can't even stand to talk with them. My wife says that when I am done with someone it shows on my face and my body language. Life is Fair. You have take Life in it's full context and not an isolated incident. Older people have the ability to sort things out better than young people.

Am I lucky or is it Karma? Karma is the reason things happen to me. I wouldn't want my life left to chance

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