Saturday, January 26, 2013


Waiting is something people do alot. I spent many hours waiting for my parents to pick me up when I was a small boy. When I went to high school I waited for the bus to take to me to school 45 minutes away from my home. People wait for phone calls, for people to call them back, for people to return things borrowed. The list goes on. Unfortunately most of the waiting is excruciating. The time spent waiting is perhaps the worst time I've ever spent. It is so unrewarding. It is time that is often spent in vain because  not all things get returned. There is one type of waiting I really enjoy. I hate shopping in stores. I love to buy things online. I really look forward to waiting for the stuff to arrive at my house. I like the emails giving me tracking information. I track the package, estimating time of arrival. Should I be there to sign or will Fedex or UPS leave it int he mailbox or at my door. I like the mystery of seeing what I bought. Does it live up to my expectations of it. Was it worth the money. I now understand why the original Sears ad Roebuck catalogs were so hugely successful. The catalogs were sent to rural areas where few or no stores existed. If they did exist they didn't have all the wonderful gadgets and tools that the catalog contained. Imagine waiting for a tractor to replace your horse drawn plow. That new icebox sure sounded better than a block of ice. What a great time to live. Gee I get excited over a cellphone case or a cheap ipod speaker. I don't mind waiting for things through the mail because after they get to my house I can look for something new to wait for.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Price

All things have a price. Cost is a synonym for price. Both words connote that someone is going to pay sooner or later. Unfortunately it isn't always the one who performs the act. On the Price is Right one gets to choose between door One or Two. In life we get to choose but we know what is behind the doors. Our choice will affect someone and there will be a cost to them. We choose to do things that all have costs. The price could be missing important events, forgetting important dates, poor time management, not dealing with financial issues or the biggest price of forgetting who the really important people in our life are. People get consumed with themselves. They put their interests above others. They forget that it isn't always about them. In a nutshell, they are extremely selfish and self centered people. The main concern of a spouse is their spouse. A parent's main concern is their children. No other issue should divert one's attention from their happiness and welfare. Everyone deserves to have time to themselves to enjoy diversions. It's when these diversions infringe upon the time that should be spent with wives or families or spent in other income providing ventures that will make people pay the price.  The highest price there is, being alone, so now they can devote all their time and attention to themselves.