Monday, October 25, 2010

A Converstaion with Don Krzan

Q. Hi Don! Thanks for being here with us today.
A. Thanks for having me. I really didn't think anyone cared enough to interview me.
Q. Well I'm sure that's not true. We're here!
A. True, so I guess I'm not going to question why.
Q. So how's things going here in Florida?
A. Great. I have a beautiful place to live, a great job, great pets and a wonderful wife.
Q. Sounds pretty good. How's the marriage going?
A. You know the third time isn't the charm it's the second. Of course I lucked out.
Q. How so?
A. Well I have a wife with whom you can actually converse. She's a 10. She is intelligent, creative, and relentless in her pursuit of happiness.
Q. Wow, can it get better than that?
A. I don't think so.
Q. You didn't mention your family? Touchy subject?
A. Yeah, I guess so. you know the saying " You can pick your friends but not your family".
Q. We have heard that and you think it's true?
A. Most definitely. I have had many good friends in my life. They were chosen by me. Some I've kept and others have fallen by the wayside. But family, they're different. They have that emotional component only found in DNA. Especially our children. I think the hardest part of getting older is separation from our kids. The saying these days is that you're loyal to whomever you sleep with.
Q. Do you believe that?
A. Unfortunately, I do. Lea and I do not speak to many of our family members. There are others with whom we have a strained relationship .
Q. Sorry to hear that. Must be painful for you to even talk about it.
A. It is.
Q.Okay. We hear you have a blog.
A. Yes, I do. my wife started one and i got the bug. I always to write and now I'm doing it.
Q. Where can it be seen?
A. It's on the net, on my Facebook page. Not many people read it but I didn't write it for that primarily. I wrote it to share some of the things I have learned, some the hard way, along the way.
Q Would you like your kids to read it?
A. Sure! I don't think they know me anymore and maybe by reading it they could rediscover who I've become. Maybe someday.
Q. Ok we're going to end the interview with those questions at the end of Inside the Actor's Studio.
A. Cool!! I always to answer those. one of my favorite shows because you see the actors in a relaxed situation.
Q. Ready?
A. Fire Away!
Q.Your Favorite word?
A. Vo
Q. Least favorite?
A. I can't. I know it's two but cut me some slack. I'm nervous.
Q. What turns you on?
A. Honesty and affection.
Q.Turns you off?
A. Indifference
Q.Favorite curse word?
A. Fuck!
Q.Sound you love?
A. A child laughing
Q.Sound you hate?
A. A child crying
Q.What profession would you like to attempt?
A. Actor or singer, or singing actor
Q.Profession not to do?
A.Prison Guard
Q. What would God say to you?
A. Hey Don! Not a perfect life but Pretty Pretty Good!!!
Q. Great! Thanks Don for giving us tis time. We've enjoyed and we hope you have too?
A. It's been great to have this opportunity. I have enjoyed it and maybe we can do this with Lea sometime.
Q. That would be something we would consider. Don, Take care and continue to enjoy your life in Florida.
A. Thanks! I intent to make the most of it. Bye!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Sorry! One of the most often said words in any language. Is is meant? Sometimes people are truly sorry for words, deeds, and transgressions. Easily uttered, extremely hard to mean. I have often said that I was "Sorry". I mean it more sincerely now than when I was younger and less introspective. I know that "Sorry" means that one will not try to do the same misspeak, bad action, misdeed or anything that offends somebody. To say "Sorry" and continue with the same behavior negates any sincere regret. If I'm Sorry I now know it means that I won't repeat the reason I said it in the first place. When I say it now I think I mean it and I do sincerely try to see that it doesn't happen again. Mixing laundries will not happen again. being careless with other people's thing will not happen, being thoughtless will not conscientiously happen again, excluding people from events and gathering will not happen. You have to make an effort not to uttter insincere words but make them mean something. I haven't always done this but I'm working on it.

Friday, October 8, 2010


Energy is an interesting thing. It can be used, abused, saved, shared, and exhausted. I like people with their own energy. It is readily apparent who has their own just from a few moments with them. I always tend to shun people with negative energy. They drain my energy to replenish the energy they wish they had. I always tend to be with people who exhibit energy because then we can share our energies and complement each other. I have, of course, been faked out a few times. People whom I thought had energy, did not. First impressions are very important only if they last through subsequent meetings. These people did not continue to have their own energy. It was just a ploy to get close to suck my energy away.

The energy that put into everything I do is usually one hundred percent. There are things that I particularly don't embrace totally but I still try to give a sincere effort. The energy that I give to relationships is always one hundred percent. The relationship with my wife, my children, my grandchildren, my coworkers and my friends is always hopefully a transfer of positive energy. When the energy is not returned and completely one-sided a serious problem rears it's ugly head. My energy begins to lessen and extinguish. The realization sets in that no matter how much of my energy I give none will ever be returned. The point comes when I'm done. Nothing I can do or say will make the energy be reciprocated. I am very saddened by this but I know in my heart I have made the ultimate effort. I t wasn't always like this. When I was younger the hope would linger for a long time. I would hope that maybe someday my energy would be returned. Age has shown me that, although noble, the wait was strictly in vain.

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Patterns occur in many places. They are in art, fabrics, architecture, and nature. The patterns we fail to see the most are the patterns in our life. We seem to ignore them. Oh, they are there. Some are glaring, others subtle. Everyone needs at some time to examine the patterns in their life. I have done this. I had a pattern of being short tempered. I used to worry too much about the small, insignificant things that really weren't that important at all. I'm sure I've missed some of my patterns but a start is progress. I have learned that what we think are random occurrences are really caused by our patterns. Denial is a powerful drug ingested by many. We fall into the same patterns, relationship after relationship, job after job, friendship after friendship. Take the time to really look at things as they are and break the bad patterns but keep the good ones. If you can't be honest with yourself with whom can you be?

The End

The beginning and end of a human life are very similar. We are born helpless, dependent on others for our survival. When our lives near the end we again are dependent on others to help us with our daily needs. There is though one great difference between the beginning and the end. When we are born we do not remember knowledge or experiences. As we grow and age, deja vu is our past experiences emerging to our consciousness. Every older individual does have knowledge, experiences, and much to pass on or take with them. After much reflection, I have come to a conclusion. That if there is a loving, all knowing, higher power, that entity would not allow such a precious cargo to be extinguished. I believe that we accumulate these experiences and knowledge to facilitate a passage to a new life. One where we can use them to live a better life. So our end is just the beginning of another great adventure called Life.