Sunday, May 29, 2016

Likes and Dislikes

I decided to discuss my likes and dislikes in no particular order.

I dislike the mother of the Dragons but I do like Lea, the Mother of the Hens.
I dislike all the unwritten rules in Baseball but I like unambiguous rules.
I dislike middle of the roaders I do like people who can take a stand one way or the other.
I dislike products that say on the packaging Improved or new recipe. I like products that say the old one sucked so we canned it.
I dislike preachers who speak of religion as if it were fact. I like people who treat religion as it is, Faith that it exists.
I dislike most of the Saturday Night players who have tried to make it in movies. I like the ones who went on to other successes other than lame movies.
I dislike complainers and excuse makers. I like people who play and shut up.
I dislike many of the new country singers. I like the old school singers and thew old songs.
I dislike anything I pay full price for. I like buying things with good discounts.
I dislike political correctness. I like that it has exposed as being the opposite of the truth.
I dislike disliking things but I like that I put Likes first in the Title of the blog.
And Finally I dislike loads of things but I like that I have guts to make a decsion and take a stand even if it's unpopular

Saturday, May 28, 2016

May observations !

May flowers have bloomed, summer is around the corner and it's time again to get things off my chest. Let me start by saying that I am doing this cold turkey. I do not have a bottle of water or a cup of coffee on my desk. It seems if people do not hydrate every five minutes they'll dehydrate and implode. I don't know how I ever played outside as kid without something to put in my mouth. My park was at least 20 minutes from my house without any water.  Maybe I didn't survive and this is  just a dream. I never thought I would have more than a dozen of anything but now I have fourteen hens. Truly one of nature's wonders. An incredible, edible egg from a hen. Little things mean a lot to some people like Harold cathing a ball in all four outfields.  I love change. I love challenges. Each change means leaving something behind. I know and have my rule that you can never go back and that what has been left behind will see you in a different light. Some will understand what you have done, others will resent you, and others will eventually maybe do the same thing. Status quo is bliss.
It is interesting how many of my friends find me living in the country a good topic of conversation now. I guess we get tired of talking about prostates, chemo, and who made up these uneven teams. I hope everyone has a good summer. Keep that bottle of water close by and I'll talk to you soon!

What I've learned from Game of Thrones

Hi! Been away awhile. I watched the first episode of season six of Game of Thrones, got hooked, and watched the first five seasons on Demand. Now I've caught up and I have to wait like everyone else for the next episode. My wife likes it too but finds it too bloody. I guess I am like most people when you see a lot  of something you become numb to it. So it is with the violence and nudity in the show. Oh yeah look another head rolls, another boob, what a surprise he killed his parent. What I have learned is that honor is one of the most important things. Kings, Queens, Lords and Ladies never had to prove they deserved the title, just coming of a womb was enough. Political correctness thankfully didn't exist. People called a bastard a bastard with no ramifications. The word was not mightier than the sword People did read and write and even knew how to read cursive writing. Those who couldn't showed a real eagerness to learn. All this without core testing in the schools. Finally, what everyone has learned from Game of Thrones is that Women still rule with intellignece and guile. See not much has changed. Thank you for educating and entertaining me so much!